who am I? Toi Toi book 21

Today I read one of the toi toi books and it is about a boy who ask others who he is and then first he ask who am I? then people don’t know so now it said, “am I drama” they still don’t know so then the following week he ask again, “am I  a wolf”  then they still did not know his last question was “am I” a rabbit they still did not know so he went and solve the mystery it was “so who am I, you might ask” they answered “you have blue eyes you are  long sighted like your  farther and have blonde hair -short and good for swimming you are Erick”

This is a beautiful story written by 11yr old Erick Burns. I highly recommend for you to read  this story it is nice and clear it is just very good.

smart Footprint

Today we went and looked at our history on our Chromebooks,the reason why is so that you can be on task and not off task.When you go on Netflix at home  it is fine but when you are at school and you go on Netflix it is probably not a good idea because you will leave a footprint when you do and then check you history it will be there so make sure to do the right thing because you will leave a (FOOTPRINT)

Embedding different Digital Learning Object (DLO) on our blogs

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By Tasmah

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is Google slides
The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below



My reading key words

Why was tahuna torea important?

 Tahuna Torea is important because it has a Maori history. On this land  you will find mative birds and vegetation. The meaning of Tahuna Torea is the “gathering place of the oystercatcher”.It is located around glendowie,

What do you know about the word ‘isthmus’?

It is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger landmasses and separates two bodies of water, isthmuses have been a strategic locations for centuries,and  they are natural sites for ports and canals linking terrestrial and aquatic trade routes.

By the 1840’s, the Reverend Henry Williams visited the land around Mokoia

 (near the old panmure bridge) and wrote that “The land was now overgrown with fern….

No signs of an inhabitant could be observed in any distraction.”

What do you think the Reverend meant by this?

Reverend is a title used before the name or rank of an officially appointed religious, The abbreviation Rev. or,revd. 

My monster about me

Talofa lava My name is zang zong zing waaa….and i go to glenbrae school i am a year 8.Iam 23 years old.I am a green egg  and i just all of a sudden grew legs and hands and also started to grow hair with a tail. I have sharp teeth but then my hands started to become arrows.My favourite subject is reading because of my one big eye that can just speed though the  pages My favourite hobby is playing netball because of my fast legs 

Today we did our monster all about me and with Mr Goodwin and then we ha to look for our monster  so we can  have an idea of what our about me can be about

My Reading

Why was tahuna torea important?


 Tahuna Torea is important because it has a Maori history. On this land  you will find mative birds and vegetation. The meaning of Tahuna Torea is the “gathering place of the oystercatcher”.It is located around glendowie,


What do you know about the word ‘isthmus’?


It is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger landmasses and separates two bodies of water, isthmuses have been a strategic locations for centuries,and  they are natural sites for ports and canals linking terrestrial and aquatic trade routes.

By the 1840’s, the Reverend Henry Williams visited the land around Mokoia

 (near the old panmure bridge) and wrote that “The land was now overgrown with fern….

No signs of an inhabitant could be observed in any distraction.”

What do you think the Reverend meant by this?

Reverend is a title used before the name or rank of an officially appointed religious, The abbreviation Rev. or,Revd.